The art of building bridges

„If nothing seems to work, it’s time for a new perspective.“

Since the beginning of my professional career, building bridges has been my main focus – be it between states, cultures, departments, or points of view, between people and nature or between their outside and inside. Because the connection to yourself is sometimes lost in the constant stress of everyday business through dissociation.

The need for good leadership is greater today than ever. Our working world requires a new kind of assertiveness, influence, and communication ability of managers. Working with very different personalities, with Generation Y and Generation Z, with people from different cultures and countries, and sometimes in crisis situations, requires a wealth of social and personal leadership skills. For this I provide my wealth of experience and my well-founded background knowledge. I work with a proven set of tools and methods from the field of diplomacy that is effective for clients, occasions, and topics.

Social Leadership Counseling – Diplomacy & Communication

In the digital age, communication skills, genuine interest in people, and employee orientation are the most important social leadership skills. One of the most successful and sustainable ways to win people over for your own cause or that of the organization and to overcome existing boundaries is through diplomacy. With applied diplomacy in behavior and communication, social leadership skills become an art.

Clear in the matter, engaging in tone

With the social leadership program I have developed, I will show you how you can benefit from this art for your personal and economic success and the achievement of your goals. Because successful leadership work is characterized by both: clarity and willingness to confront on the factual level, appreciation and warmth on the relationship level.

It is a program that goes beyond traditional communication trainings and takes important other aspects into account:

  • Illuminating content, psychological and awareness aspects
  • Showing invisible relationships in the system and effective levers, especially for laterally active managers
  • Conversational Leadership
  • Training for a convincing appearance with a clear point of view, even in difficult conversation situations
  • Building trust and credibility in employee, customer, and colleague relationships, creating and deepening sustainable and resilient relationships
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Resolving conflicts in dialogue and finding creative solutions
  • Creating meaning for yourself and for employees
  • Accompanying question: “What would the diplomat say or do in this situation?”

Speech „Winning gently – Successful with diplomacy“

You will learn how to gently but effectively advance your own positions. You will learn to subtly and sympathetically package sensitive messages and to successfully manage crisis. The goal is to implement your own business interests with diplomacy, consistently and confidently.

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Seminars & workshops on diplomacy & communication

Practice and applicability have top priority. Thanks to small seminar groups and tailor-made content, you benefit from the so-called coaching effect. This means that only content, case studies, and feedbacks relevant to you are brought in.

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Personal Leadership Counseling – Self-leadership & self-efficacy

In addition to social skills and agility outside, the modern working world requires inner agility and conscious, mindful self-management. Your inner attitude and openness to innovative approaches in your personal development are decisive for this. In order to stay healthy and deal with complex challenges, we need crisis-proof resources. This includes the ability to perceive precisely how we are doing, as well as the competence to control our behavior confidently, even when we are experiencing strong emotions.

In our collaboration, you will learn how you

  • increase and strengthen your cognitive flexibility and ability to adopt perspectives,
  • work and live more relaxed and focused despite increasing stress and a high workload,
  • find meaning in your actions again,
  • achieve long-term internal stability and orientation,
  • can change your personality to reach your full potential,
  • can use mental techniques of self-efficacy,
  • develop inner peace, resilience, and self-control skills,
  • change neural patterns to get from doing into being and into flow,
  • can increase your creativity and innovative strength, achieve better working relationships,
    and improve your overall quality of life.

St.Gallen Coaching Model®

I work systemically and process-oriented on the basis of the value-oriented, 5-dimensional, scientifically evaluated St.Gallen Coaching Model®. The effectiveness of this model has been proven to be over 90%. The method is based on current neurobiological and psychological findings about change, learning, and life.

Human Design System©

The Human Design System© offers a fruitful addition to my other services. It is the first comprehensive synthesis of modern science and ancient wisdom teachings: Quantum physics, astronomy, genetics and biochemistry meet astrology, I Ching, chakra teachings and Kabbalah. The body chart developed from your exact birth data shows you your genetic matrix, your personality structure. It shows you who you really are. The Human Design System© analysis and/or consultation can be used as a decision-making aid for private and professional issues and expands your personal action strategy.

Keynote „Self-Leadership for a successful, fulfilling life“

In times of widespread complexity, revolutionary change and great uncertainty, you have to work on yourself, on your inner core. The brightest minds in the world are turning their gaze inward to discover new paths to success – both personal and professional – to find joy, fulfillment, meaning and purpose in their lives.

In this very personal talk, I will show you the most effective tools – from my experience – of self-empowerment and self-mastery that differentiate highly successful people from mediocre people.

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Retreats in a power spot in Switzerland or Ireland, to take stock, organize your thoughts, and get clarity about the next steps in everyday work and life.

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Health Counseling – Healthy resilience in the digital age

The longing for mental and physical well-being is stronger than ever. But health is not a constant and requires a new understanding of the relationships between people and digitization. A healthy and prosperous way of dealing with yourself and others is a prerequisite for resilience. In this program you will learn, among other things, how your personal talents and abilities / potentials can support you.

Nature-based Health Counseling offers

  • a deep understanding of the necessary requirements on a physiological level for performance, innovation, creativity, clarity, intuition, and serenity,
  • new insights into how the body and brain work from the perspective of genetics and neuroscience – so that you can understand yourself better and act accordingly,
  • a new approach to yourself through attentive, conscious stays in nature,
  • clarity for your personal way of strengthening your physical, emotional, and mental immune system in order to benefit from it in everyday life.

Self-cultivation as the key to resilience

With personal key competencies in the mental and emotional area as well as the right nutrition, everyone can actively use levers to meet the challenges of our time constructively and intelligently. If the external conditions offer less and less security and clarity, then it is important to cultivate these qualities within ourselves. The power of nature and the roots of our personality support the inner realignment in response to the rapid change.

Tools for resilience well into old age

Only a holistic, causal approach will ensure the desired health and resilience. As a medically certified GGB health consultant, value-oriented systemic health and resilience coach and certified breathwork trainer, I can provide you with simple, highly effective tools and methods that you can use to strengthen your health and increase your resilience through self-help after brief instructions.

Speech „Japanese forest medicine for creativity, health, and mental well-being“

森林浴 – shinrin’yoku, known in this country as forest bathing, is a traditional Japanese practice that is used in many clinics as a complementary form of therapy to conventional Western medicine. Numerous studies worldwide prove the health-promoting properties of a stay in the forest provided with the right activities. Forest medicine is ideal for reducing stress, strengthening the immune system, for clarity and creativity, as well as for more strength and serenity in everyday life.

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Speech „Fundamental fitness – nutritious input for body, mind, and soul“

Nowadays there are countless, sometimes contradictory, nutritional recommendations. It is becoming increasingly difficult to know what to eat. What is a balanced diet? With this lecture you gain clarity. You will get to know a form of nutrition that makes you more productive, balanced, healthier and more satisfied: the whole food, which is rich in vital substances. With a full sample after the lecture.

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Retreats in a power spot in Switzerland or Ireland, to organize your thoughts, and get clarity about the next steps in everyday work and life.

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